Oakville Street Occupation Permits
Maple Grove Dr


This dataset includes over 2600 street occupation permits issued by the Building Services of the Town of Oakville since 2018. Each permit information contains permit number, permit date, status, description, initiated source, and the address location of the property. This street occupation permit dataset is linked to Oakville address point dataset, and other datasets such as various bulding permits, ServiceOakville requests, etc.

Dataset Information

SubjectLanduse and Development
JurisdictionBuilding Services, Town of Oakville, Province of Ontario
Data ProviderTown of Oakville
Related DatasetsDriveway Entrance Permits, Excavation Permits, Site Alteration Permits, Address Points

Dataset Details

The Town of Oakville requires a building permit for most renovation, construction or demolition projects. A permit is needed to make sure the project follows the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, the Town of Oakville Zoning By-law and any other approvals. A Street Occupation Permit may be needed prior to starting a demolition, renovation and/or construction project if the project temporarily occupies the area beyond the property line, such as the boulevard, sidewalk, roadway or public lane, with any of the following equipment or material: disposal bin and drop chutes; storage of materials and equipment, such as trailer; moving containers; walk-through/staging scaffold; plywood hoarding or covered-walkway; operation of cherry picker, backhoe, fork lift, scissor lift, zoom boom; hoisting with mobile crane or boom truck; swinging of boom and counterweight of tower crane including flying of forms; pumping of concrete and concrete mixer; and others; etc.

This dataset includes over 2600 street occupation permits issued by Oakville Building Services since 2018. The data fields of permits include permit number, permit date, current status of the permit, property address, permit description, etc. A permit may by initiated by owner, contractor, architect, hydro or communication companies. Each permit data is linked to its property address point data, and also other data such as site alteration permits, driveway entrance permits, excavation permits, ServiceOakville service requests, etc.

Search Result

Permit Number: 22 130824 DENG
Permit Date: 2022-11-09
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 4950026801 - Abandonment.
Permit Number: 22 123870 DENG
Permit Date: 2022-08-24
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Bell
Permit Description: OWI # 5547_5983  Existing Main Line Repair.
Permit Number: 22 104588 DENG
Permit Date: 2022-02-25
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Cogeco
Permit Description: Cogeco drop replacement; January 4, 2022
Permit Number: 22 104586 DENG
Permit Date: 2022-02-25
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Cogeco
Permit Description: Cogeco drop replacement; January 4, 2022
Permit Number: 22 101915 DENG
Permit Date: 2022-01-24
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Bell
Permit Description: Bell drop replacement; November 30, 2021
Permit Number: 21 133129 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-11-12
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 17-21-042-5351
Permit Number: 21 133087 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-11-11
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 17-21-042-5351
Permit Number: 21 132027 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-10-28
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Oakville Hydro
Permit Description: Q64116
Permit Number: 21 112080 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-05-11
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 4950020764
Permit Number: 21 112083 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-05-11
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 4950020764
Permit Number: 21 112075 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-05-11
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 4950020764
Permit Number: 21 110044 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-23
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 21 110058 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-23
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 21 110018 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-23
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 21 109584 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-19
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Contractor
Permit Description: TSO - April 19 to 21st.
Permit Number: 21 108918 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-14
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 21 108925 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-14
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 21 108982 DENG
Permit Date: 2021-04-14
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Union Gas
Permit Description: 16-21-082-5442
Permit Number: 20 140873 DENG
Permit Date: 2020-11-02
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Oakville Hydro
Permit Description: Q63772
Permit Number: 20 139319 DENG
Permit Date: 2020-10-09
Permit Status: Issued
Initiated By: Oakville Hydro
Permit Description: Q63768
Permit Number: 18 100683 DENG
Permit Date: 2018-01-15
Permit Status: Under Review
Initiated By: Architect
Permit Description: TSO Jan 16-18