Oakville Heritage Properties
Forsythe St


This dataset includes over 910 heritage properties included in the Oakville Heritage Register. Each heritage property information contains street address location, ByLaw, designated year, built year, status, history and description. This heritage property dataset is linked to Oakville address point dataset, and other datasets such as various bulding permits, property information, etc.

Dataset Information

SubjectLanduse and Development
JurisdictionPlanning & Development, Town of Oakville, Province of Ontario
Data ProviderTown of Oakville

Dataset Details

All heritage properties in Oakville are included in the Oakville Heritage Register, an official list of properties which are identified by the town as having cultural heritage value or interest. This is required in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA). The Heritage Register includes the following types: (1) individually designated properties which fall under Part IV of the OHA; (2) properties designated within Heritage Conservation Districts which fall under Part V of the OHA; (3) properties which are not designated but believed to be of cultural heritage value or interest (listed properties).

This dataset includes 910 heritage properties in the Oakville Heritage Register. The data fields of properties include street address location, ByLaw, designated year, built year, status, history, description, etc. Each property data is linked to its address point data, and also other data such as various building permits.

Search Result

Built Year: 1859
Designation Year: 1993
ByLaw: 1993-044
Status: Part IV
History: In 1836, Henry Gulledge, a saddler and harness maker from England, established a shop at the southeast corner of Colborne Street (now Lakeshore Road) and Thomas Street. This is one of the two oldest corners in the Town. The house was built between 1857-1859 by Henry Gulledge. The business was taken over by Henry's son, E.H. Gulledge, in 1877.
Description: Simple Vernacular style building with 1 ½ storeys and a saltbox roof line. Similar to many tradesmen's modest dwellings built at the time.
Status: Listed
History: C. 1845
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its c.1856 vernacular frame house built by Thomas McMillan.
Status: Listed
History: c. 1860
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its c.1860 vernacular frame house.
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its c.1914 Edwardian style brick house.
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
Status: Listed
Description: This property has potential cultural heritage value for its association with the historic Oakville tannery (remaining tannery wall only - townhouse not included).
ByLaw: 50
Status: Part IV
ByLaw: 50
Status: Part IV