Oakville Community and Social Services


This dataset includes over 2600 human services in the Halton Community Services Database that are available to residents of Oakville. Each human service record consists of service name, agent name, site name, location, contact information and service details. This community service dataset is linked to other datasets such as address points, ServiceOakville requests, etc.

Dataset Information

JurisdictionTown of Oakville, Province of Ontario
Data ProviderTown of Oakville

Dataset Details

Halton Community Services Database provides a list of human services that are available to residents of Oakville. Human services cover a wide range of programs and services, from access to basic necessities of life to enhancement of personal and social growth. These services are provided by community, social service, health, government or commercial organizations. The types of organizations and services in this dataset include: Arts and cultural organizations; Children and youth services, childcare providers; Community and Social Service organizations; Crisis services, emergency housing; Educational facilities, Oakville schools, training; Employment services; Health services; Hobby and interest groups; Housing options; Mental health services; Newcomer information; Recreation and Sports; Seniors services; and Transportation.

This dataset includes over 2600 community and social services, programs and agencies. The data fields of each service include service name, agent name, site name, legal name, site location, mail address, contact information, program executive information, service enrollment information, service type, and service details. Each human service is linked to other data such as address point, street occupation permits, site alteration permits, excavation permits, ServiceOakville service requests, etc.

Search Result

Address: Hamilton, ON
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Ontario
Website: www.grenfellministries.org/overdose-prevention-line
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Durham Region ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Peel Region ; York County
Office Phone: 905-546-2666
Website: www.tourismhamilton.com/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2Y8
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Yolisa de Jager
Office Phone: 905-523-8895 ; 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-523-6277
Website: goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/martha-house/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2Y8
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Yolisa de Jager
Office Phone: 905-540-8000, Mary's Place ; 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-523-6277
Website: goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/marys-place/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8H 5E3
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-549-4276
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/reginas-place/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2B3
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-308-8090
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/notre-dame-house/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 2A1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Burlington ; Haldimand County ; Hamilton (City of) ; Norfolk County ; Oakville
Office Phone: 905-538-5035
Website: www.nomoredebts.org
Address: 80 Bay St N, Hamilton, ON L8K 3H9
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Canada ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Tina Dawson
Office Phone: Hope Line 905-522-1477; Administration line 905-540-1888 ext 102
Website: www.hopeSAlive.ca
Address: 41 King William St, Suite 206, Hamilton, ON L8R 1A2
Located In Community: Hamilton Central
Served Areas: Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Heather Kanabe
Office Phone: 289-698-2234
Website: www.hftco.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Marjorie-Anne Macleod Dent
Primary Executive Name: Leslie MacDougall
Website: sites.google.com/view/wohdadance/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 1A2
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Ontario
Primary Executive Name: Anna McCusker
Office Phone: 905-544-0343
Website: www.hardword.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON L9H 1C7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Elize Hartley
Office Phone: 905-628-5813
Website: www.metiswomenscircle.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 4V2
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Burlington ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region
Office Phone: 819-997-8338, Outside Canada and the United States
Website: www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-passports.html
Address: Hamilton, ON L8V 2R7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-574-6293
Website: www.hgmac.org/
Address: Hamilton, ON L0R 2H0
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Percy Allen
Office Phone: 905-689-8008
Website: www.waterdownrgc.com/index.html
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2L3
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-527-1618
Website: www.hamiltonchildrenschoir.com
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2Y8
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-523-8895, Martha House ; 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-523-6277 ;
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/service-category/emergency-shelter/?group=women&location=hamilton
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 2Y8
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-540-8000, Mary's Place ; 24-Hour Crisis Line: 905-523-6277
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/service-category/emergency-shelter/?group=women&location=hamilton
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Yolisa de Jager
Office Phone: 905-528-9442 ; Administration: 905-523-8766 x5227
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/family-centre/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-528-9442
Website: www.goodshepherdcentres.ca/services/family-centre/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8V 5B5
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region
Website: www.ghpcc.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Burlington ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Norfolk County
Primary Contact Name: Tammy Strong
Office Phone: 289-880-8383
Website: www.cysticfibrosis.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8W 1A9
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region
Office Phone: 905-387-7023
Website: www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Hamilton_Ontario_Family_History_Centre
Address: Hamilton, ON L8M 1N5
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: 905-312-9628
Website: bodybrave.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Norfolk County
Primary Contact Name: Levi Janosi
Office Phone: 905-575-4964
Website: www.chha-hamilton.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 1T8
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Ontario
Primary Contact Name: Amanda Baigent MSW RSW
Office Phone: 905-528-6665
Website: www.beginnings.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 1M5
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Canada
Office Phone: General 905-572-2981 ; Inquiries/Customer Service: 905-570-8094
Website: www.ccohs.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 3C1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Norfolk County
Primary Executive Name: Medora Uppal
Office Phone: 905-522-9922 x114
Website: www.ywcahamilton.org
Address: Hamilton, ON L8M 1A1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Burlington ; Grimsby ; Hamilton (City of) ; Oakville ; Smithville
Primary Contact Name: Jennifer Veenstra
Office Phone: 905-525-2012
Website: hccas.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON L9H 5G7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Judit Zsoldos
Office Phone: 905-527-3823 x279
Website: www.cfshw.com/gatekeepers
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 3P7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Canada
Website: www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/proof.asp
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 1J4
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Kathy Payette
Primary Executive Name: John Grant
Office Phone: 905-522-8686
Website: www.tsob.ca/ready-to-work-youth-program/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8N 3E1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Norfolk County
Website: www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/hamilton-niagara-tax-services-office.html
Address: 431 Whitney Ave, Hamilton, ON L8S 2H6
Site Location: Offsite from hospital
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Kari Whitelaw
Primary Executive Name: Holly Raymond
Office Phone: Withdrawal Management 905-545-9100; Treatment Inquiries 905-521-
Website: www.stjoes.ca/hospital-services/mental-health-addiction-services/addiction-services/womankind-addiction-service
Address: 1565 Upper james St, Unit 3-1, Hamilton, ON L9B 1K2
Located In Community: Hamilton Mountain Central
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region
Legal Status: (40) Federal Government
Office Phone: Outside Canada and the United States 819-997-8338
Website: www.cic.gc.ca/english/passport/index.asp
Address: Hamilton, ON L0R 2H0
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Doreen Rico
Office Phone: 905-689-6449
Address: 200 James St N, Hamilton, ON L8R 2L1
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Toronto
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Kenneth Lloyd
Office Phone: 905-825-9898
Website: https://vintagesignalsteam.ca/
Address: Hamilton, ON L8T 1R9
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Primary Contact Name: Miriam Braithewaite
Office Phone: 905-522-2253
Website: www.modcemploymentservices.ca/
Address: 595 Main St E, Hamilton, ON L8M 1J4
Site Location: Offsite from St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton Hospital
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: Mon-Sun 24 hours 905-527-9264; Administration 905-522-1155 ext 3
Website: www.stjoes.ca/hospital-services/mental-health-addiction-services/addiction-services/men's-addiction-service-hamilton-mash
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Norfolk County ; Six Nations of the Grand River ; Wellington County
Office Phone: 416-645-8080
Website: www.ltb.gov.on.ca
Address: 44 Greendale Dr, Hamilton, ON L9C 5Z4
Located In Community: Hamilton (City of)
Served Areas: Burlington ; Hamilton (City of) ; Oakville
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Marni Flaherty
Office Phone: Registration 289-288-0059 ext 112
Website: www.todaysfamily.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8R 3P7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Norfolk County
Website: www.cic.gc.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Office Phone: (905) 546-8300
Website: www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/pgt/
Address: 699 Concession St, Hamilton, ON L8V 5C2
Site Location: Beside the Juravinski Hospital
Located In Community: Hamilton Mountain East
Served Areas: Brant County ; Grey County ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Norfolk County ; Waterloo Region ; Wellington County
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit ; (51) Registered Charity
Office Phone: 905-387-9495
Website: www.jcc.hhsc.ca
Address: Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y7
Located In Community: Hamilton
Served Areas: Brant County ; Brantford ; Haldimand County ; Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) ; Niagara Region ; Norfolk County ; Peel Region ; Waterloo Region
Office Phone: (905) 546-8300
Website: www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/pgt