Oakville Community and Social Services
Halton Region


This dataset includes over 2600 human services in the Halton Community Services Database that are available to residents of Oakville. Each human service record consists of service name, agent name, site name, location, contact information and service details. This community service dataset is linked to other datasets such as address points, ServiceOakville requests, etc.

Dataset Information

JurisdictionTown of Oakville, Province of Ontario
Data ProviderTown of Oakville

Dataset Details

Halton Community Services Database provides a list of human services that are available to residents of Oakville. Human services cover a wide range of programs and services, from access to basic necessities of life to enhancement of personal and social growth. These services are provided by community, social service, health, government or commercial organizations. The types of organizations and services in this dataset include: Arts and cultural organizations; Children and youth services, childcare providers; Community and Social Service organizations; Crisis services, emergency housing; Educational facilities, Oakville schools, training; Employment services; Health services; Hobby and interest groups; Housing options; Mental health services; Newcomer information; Recreation and Sports; Seniors services; and Transportation.

This dataset includes over 2600 community and social services, programs and agencies. The data fields of each service include service name, agent name, site name, legal name, site location, mail address, contact information, program executive information, service enrollment information, service type, and service details. Each human service is linked to other data such as address point, street occupation permits, site alteration permits, excavation permits, ServiceOakville service requests, etc.

Search Result

Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Canada ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Rowena Pinto
Office Phone: 416-425-2494
Website: jack.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Waterloo Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: Toll free 1-877-554-4498
Website: www.copingcentre.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Randa Bassil
Primary Executive Name: Elisabeth Wells
Website: www.haltonyouth.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Charles Small
Office Phone: Toll free 1-866-864-4282
Website: www.gbtc.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Randa Bassil
Primary Executive Name: Elisabeth Wells
Office Phone: 905-333-4441
Website: www.ourkidsnetwork.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Ardra Cole
Office Phone: Toll free 1-855-336-4226
Website: www.elderdog.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Office Phone: 289-291-5396
Website: halton.cmha.ca/our-services/get-support/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Indoors at Milton Velodrome * Outdoors at Garth Webb Secondary School track
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Bruce Burton
Office Phone: 289-400-8725
Website: oakvilletrackclub.net
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Milton
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: George Davis
Website: southhaltonares.wordpress.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Danielle Dunlop
Office Phone: 905-749-3113
Website: hdsb.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Website: www.haltonpolice.ca/services/reporting/index.php
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Primary Contact Name: Sergeant Ric Judson
Office Phone: Non-emergency 905-825-4777; Calling from North Halton 905-878-55
Website: www.haltonpolice.ca/en/services-and-reporting/crisis-outreach-and-support.aspx
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Angus
Served Areas: Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: Toll Free Peer Support Line 1-833-677-2668 (1-800-677-BOOT)
Website: www.bootsontheground.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Office Phone: 613-233-4888
Website: www.haltonpolice.ca/en/services-and-reporting/calling-police.aspx#Text-with-9-1-1-
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Website: https://www.haltonpolice.ca/en/news-and-updates/crime-map.aspx
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton South
Served Areas: Halton South
Legal Status: (30) Provincial Government
Office Phone: Contact Centre 416-869-3200; PRESTO 1-877-378-6123 (1-8-PRESTO-1
Website: www.gotransit.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Daven Seebarran
Office Phone: 905-467-4305
Website: hedroundtable.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Don Pangman
Office Phone: 905-467-8551
Website: arthousehalton.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga - portions of
Office Phone: Information and intake 905-847-6547 ext 0; (collect calls accept
Website: haltonadapt.org/programs-services/youth-programs/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga - portions of
Office Phone: Information and intake 905-847-6547 ext 0; (collect calls accept
Website: haltonadapt.org/programs-services/concurrent-disorders/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga - portions of
Office Phone: Information and intake 905-847-6547 ext 0; (collect calls accept
Website: haltonadapt.org/programs-services/community-justice/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga - portions of
Office Phone: Information and intake 905-847-6547 ext 0; (collect calls accept
Website: haltonadapt.org/programs-services/withdrawal-management/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga - portions of
Office Phone: 905-691-2687
Website: haltonadapt.org/programs-services/problem-gambling-behavioural-addictions/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Service is virtual or phone-only or describes a topic located in or serving the Region of Halton.
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Burlington ; Halton Hills ; Milton ; Oakville
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: www.siliconhalton.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Burlington ; Georgetown ; Milton ; Oakville
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 416-397-6564
Website: www.cscmonavenir.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 416-239-0096
Website: naranonontario.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Offered at various locations in Halton Region
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Subhadra Ramachandran
Office Phone: 905-632-2944 ext 133
Website: garyallan.ca/adult-students/linc-esl-fsl/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Burlington
Served Areas: Burlington ; Milton ; Oakville
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Marina Sue-Ping
Primary Executive Name: Mary Alberti
Website: www.iamentalhealth.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Anastasia Smith
Office Phone: Residence: 289-837-3327
Website: www.abchalton.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Jo-Anne Thompson
Website: canadians.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Lisa Michaels
Office Phone: 905-469-6278
Website: bandology.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Offered at various locations throughout Halton
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Primary Contact Name: Babur Mobarak
Office Phone: 905-842-2486
Website: hmcconnections.com/services/employment-supports/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Currently meeting virtually only
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Anne Douglas
Primary Executive Name: Anne Douglas
Website: www.awhalton.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Patty Lasby
Primary Executive Name: Debra Brown
Office Phone: 4-H Ontario 519-856-0992
Website: https://4-hontario.ca/association/halton-4-h-association/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Burlington
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Aruna Narola
Office Phone: 289-400-2594
Website: thehaltoncommunity.org/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Kate Sault
Website: haltonmastergardeners.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: www.safehalton.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: haltonblackvoices.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (20) Regional Government
Office Phone: Mon-Sun 24 hours 905-825-6000 or call 3-1-1
Website: www.halton.ca/For-Residents/Employment-and-Financial-Assistance/Subsidized-Passes-for-Low-Income-Transit-(SPLIT)
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Online, through Zoom
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Mississauga
Office Phone: Toll free 1-833-845-9355 (1-833-845-WELL)
Website: https://supporthouse.ca/peer-services/peer-support-programs/just-be-you/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: www.streamrescue.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Burlington ; Milton ; Oakville
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Daniela Palau
Primary Executive Name: June Cockwell
Office Phone: 905-257-6029 or 905-582-7860
Website: www.hippyhalton.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Lori Barber
Office Phone: 905-825-6000
Website: www.babyfriendlyhalton.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Andrew Needham
Website: besafeapp.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: www.freecycle.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Burlington
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Chris Wilson
Website: haltonvolleyball.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Niagara Region ; Simcoe County
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Ioana Popa
Office Phone: 905-901-5006
Website: www.free-meditation.ca/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Peel Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: Halton Peel area information and helpline Toll free 1-888-811-38
Website: www.haltonpeelna.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: North York
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (60) Commercial
Office Phone: Billing and Payments 1-877-362-7434 (1-877-ENBRIDGE); Ontario On
Website: www.enbridgegas.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (40) Federal Government
Office Phone: Toll free 1-888-842-7245 (1-888 VIA RAIL)
Website: www.viarail.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: Helpline 1-855-222-5542
Website: www.gatoronto.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (20) Regional Government
Primary Contact Name: Nicholle Russell RN, MScN
Primary Executive Name: Dr Hamidah Meghani
Office Phone: Mon-Sun 24 hours 905-825-6000 or call 3-1-1
Website: www.halton.ca/For-Residents/Public-Health/Substance-Use/The-Stop-Smoking-Clinic
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (20) Regional Government
Primary Contact Name: Nicholle Russell RN, MScN
Primary Executive Name: Dr Hamidah Meghani
Office Phone: Mon-Sun 24 hours 905-825-6000 or call 3-1-1
Website: www.halton.ca/For-Residents/Sexual-Health/Harm-Reduction-Services
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Canada ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: K-T Overbey
Office Phone: Toll free 1-888-935-4589
Website: https://onesight.org/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of) - and surrounding area
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Dr Amelia Yates
Website: www.hhormta.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Kirsten Dougherty
Office Phone: Access Line 289-266-0036
Website: rockonline.ca/asn
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Jerry Powidajko
Website: district15.rto-ero.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Chondrena Vieira-Martin
Office Phone: Burlington 905-637-5256; Oakville 905-845-3811
Website: thrivecounselling.org/services/violence-against-women-program/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Website: haltonpridecollective.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Albert Carwana
Office Phone: Toll free 1-800-909-6040
Website: www.tucanada.org
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Greater Toronto Area ; Halton Region ; Hamilton ; Niagara Region ; York Region
Legal Status: (60) Commercial
Primary Contact Name: Velma Ganassini
Office Phone: 905-844-9813
Website: sosfirstaid.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Durham Region ; Halton Region ; Peel Region ; Toronto ; York Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Kelly Smith
Office Phone: 905-276-7388
Website: www.pakmen.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Shelters in Burlington and Milton * map does not point to shelter location(s) * phone crisis line for assistance
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Laurie Hepburn
Office Phone: Administration 905-332-1200; North Shelter (Milton and Halton Hi
Website: haltonwomensplace.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Oakville
Served Areas: Brampton ; Burlington ; Hamilton (City of) ; Milton ; Mississauga ; Oakville ; Toronto
Legal Status: (60) Commercial
Website: www.averagejoesports.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Kirsten Dougherty
Office Phone: Access Line 289-266-0036
Website: rockonline.ca/walk-in-clinics/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Kristyn Bruce
Office Phone: Halton Region 3-1-1 or 905-825-6000
Website: wesley.ca/program/housing-services-halton/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Peel Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Jane Watt
Website: www.haltonpeel.ogs.on.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Laura Van Alphen
Office Phone: National office toll free 1-866-226-3348
Website: editorshamiltonhalton.wordpress.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Primary Contact Name: Laura Woon
Office Phone: 289-952-8690
Website: freshfoodboxfh.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Canada ; Ontario
Legal Status: (40) Federal Government
Office Phone: Toll Free 1-800-267-6687
Website: www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-menu-1362.htm
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Anum Nazir
Website: www.haltonrotaract.com
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 905-632-2944 ext 129
Website: https://garyallan.ca/adult-learner/adult-class-credit/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Various locations in Halton Region
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 905-632-2944
Website: garyallan.ca/elementary-students/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Various locations in Halton Region
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 905-632-2944
Website: garyallan.ca/high-school-students/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Site Location: Various locations in Halton Region
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Office Phone: 905-632-2944
Website: garyallan.ca/adult-learner/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region - and surrounding area ; Hamilton
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Mary Ann Bunkowsky
Website: haltonfasd.ca/resources-tools/
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Canada ; Ontario
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Matt McCoy
Office Phone: Toll Free Hotline: 1-833-989-8255
Website: www.studenthelpers.ca
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Contact Name: Leah Thomas
Primary Executive Name: Eeva Stierwalt
Website: https://www.stutter.ca/find-help/support-groups-in-canada.html
Address: Halton Region, ON
Located In Community: Halton Region
Served Areas: Halton Region
Legal Status: (50) Non Profit
Primary Executive Name: Kirsten Dougherty
Office Phone: Access Line 289-266-0036
Website: rockonline.ca/autism-services-at-rock/